Our Physical Education Knowledgeable Others (PEKO)
In 2022, PESTA introduced Physical Education Knowledgeable Others (PEKO) to harness the strengths and expertise of the PE fraternity to enhance PD experiences in a more beneficial and sustainable way. These knowledgeable others are PE teachers with expertise in areas such as:
- Curriculum Leadership,
- Pedagogical Leadership,
- Learning Areas,
- Physical Activities,
- SFEd (e.g., IBL, DI, AL, e-Pedagogy, SEN and CCE), and
- Sports and Outdoor Education.
PEKO will provide PD support in their identified area(s) of expertise based on request from schools. The nature and extent of PD support are to be mutually agreed and determined between the requesting school and the identified PEKO. For example, the requesting school may request to work with the PEKO on a pedagogical approach in a series of face-to-face and/or online consultations for a period of 5 weeks.
For schools looking to request for PD support from a PEKO, play the video in the link below to find out more about the process.
How to Engage a PEKO - Video Guide
Click here for the list of PEKO!
(Updated as of: March 2025)
PEKO List (Mar 2025)
To collaborate with a PEKO, please fill in this form: http://go.gov.sg/pekorequest
If you have engaged a PEKO, we would like to hear from you!
Please fill up this feedback form after your engagement/collaboration with PEKO:
PEKO Feedback Form