Algena Koh
Algena Koh (Senior Academy Officer)

Prior to joining PESTA, Algena has been with CHIJ Katong Convent Secondary for 17 years where she served as HOD Student Development. Her earlier teaching stint was in St Patrick’s School where she taught for 7 years.
The educational landscape is dynamic and new challenges are continually emerging. Having been on the ground for many years, Algena firmly believes that colleagues need to continually support one another. She strives to be a reflective practitioner who engages in a continuous process of self-awareness, self-evaluation, and learning from experience. She is committed to personal and professional growth and is excited to learn and interact with the fraternity.
Algena believes that a skillful educator builds good relationships with her students based on mutual respect and trust, through genuine care and effective communication. Depositing into the emotional bank of a student would allow a teacher to being to speak into the life and mentor a student and set the tone for a positive classroom culture.
Algena loves to play netball and exercise in her free time. She is rather home bound and enjoys spending time with her family.