Principal's Message
The Physical Education and Sports Teacher Academy (PESTA) was set up to build a distinctive community of physical education teachers to deliver quality physical education and sports coaching in Singapore schools. This would be done through strong pedagogical leadership, teacher ownership of continual professional development and an effective, established system of mentoring.
PESTA’s role is to enhance the current professional development and practice of PE teachers, strengthening their capacity to deliver quality PE lessons and sports coaching consistently. We know from research and medical studies that physical education and movement are crucial in the development and growth of a child. Apart from improved physical fitness and skill development, children learn self-discipline, benefit from improved social and moral development and improve in confidence and self-esteem. This inevitably will influence performance in the class and later on in the workplace. The impact of a good PE and sports programme and quality delivery of it is far reaching. It will play a crucial part in shaping the social fabric and future of a nation.
Our professional development programmes, mentoring opportunities and networks will provide opportunities for Heads of Department, Teacher Leaders, Beginning and Experienced PE and sports teachers to strengthen their pedagogical expertise in PE and sports. This provides a truly holistic experience that contributes to building a world class education system for our children.
I look forward to further developing PE teaching and Sports coaching with and through the fraternity because “PE is Powerful Education" (Theresa Wells-Taylor) and powerful education makes a difference in the lives of the students we teach.
Melanie Ann Martens (Ms)
Academy Principal